The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


herbs in spite of absence of stones. This is probably a dental prob-
: Babesia, Capillaria, Dipylidium (eggs and adult)
(Parasites) YES
: Sheep liver fluke (Parasite) YES at liver
: Sheep liver fluke cercaria (Parasite) YES at liver, blood
: Sheep liver fluke miracidia (Parasite) YES at blood
She will continue the parasite program.

Two months later
She is not feeling well today. Itching. Poor bowel movements. She
has problems breathing all the time. Heart palpitations scare her
(probably dental).
… Babesia, Capillaria, Sheep liver fluke (Parasites) NO
: Moniezia tape worm, Notocotylus (Parasites) YES
… Parasites (Remainder) NO Continue parasite program.
: Histoplasma (Pathogen) YES
… Molybdenum (Toxic Element) NO

Three months later
She feels much better.
… Ortho-phospho-tyrosine (Cancer) NO
Summary: This super-intelligent woman could see that current
clinical treatment of her cancer would give her very little chance of
survival. She studied alternative treatments and was doing fairly well
after 9 years. Hopefully, she will continue to work on her health and
clear her,, remaining parasites. She might not be here today if she had
gone the clinical route.

Half a year later
She had all metal removed from her mouth but got a severe infection
afterward. She is still not completely healed. She neglected to take
Vitamin D (50,000), 2 a week and has not drunk milk. She will get
back to it.
… Ortho-phospho-tyrosine, hCG (Cancer) NO

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