The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


holds. Any electronics shop can do this. It should read
between 20 and 40 kHz.

  • Optional: measure the voltage output by connecting it to
    an oscilloscope. It should be about 7 to 8 volts.

  • Optional: measure the current that flows through you
    when you are getting zapped. You will need a 1 KΩ re-
    sistor and oscilloscope. Connect the grounding bolt on the
    zapper to one end of the resistor. Connect the other end of
    the resistor to a handhold. (Adding this resistor to the cir-
    cuit decreases the current slightly, but not significantly.)
    The other handhold is attached to the other bolt. Connect
    the scope ground wire to one end of the resistor. Connect
    the scope probe to the other end of the resistor. Turn the
    zapper ON and grasp the handholds. Read the voltage on
    the scope. It will read about 3.5 volts. Calculate current by
    dividing voltage by resistance. 3.5 volts divided by 1 KΩ
    is 3.5 ma (milliamperes).

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