The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Remember, all dairy products get sterilized.
This includes butter, cream, cheese. If it hasn’t been boiled
or baked, don’t eat it. Add a pinch of salt while boiling. After
cooling, it gets baking soda and vitamin C added.

Yankee Drink
Mix together 1 gal. water, 3 cups honey, ½ cup fresh lemon
juice or distilled white vinegar, and 1 tsp. ginger.

Hot Vanilla Milk
Add one inch of vanilla bean and one tsp. honey to a glass
of milk and bring to a near boil. You may add a pinch of cin-
namon or other pure spice. You may even use vanilla extract.

Mark’s Lemon-oil Drink
Scrub one lemon; blend it whole, rind, seeds and all. Strain
and discard pulp. Add 1 tbs. olive oil and enough honey and
water (1½ cup) to make it tasty. Read the label on the lemon-
packaging; avoid those that have been sprayed for longer shelf
life. Ask your grocer if the information is not by the bin of
If you are not sure about this, peel the lemon with a sharp
knife; you will still get limonene, the active ingredient. Use
only one whole lemon a day.

Cream Shake
One egg yolk, one cup of half and half. Honey to sweeten
and cinnamon or nutmeg. Blend. Drink only once a day.
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