Moose Elm Drink - also known as Slippery Elm
For very sensitive stomachs when nothing wants to stay
1 tbs. moose elm powder
cold (boiled) milk
Start by making a paste as if it were cocoa. Gradually add
milk, water or whipping cream to consistency desired. Sweeten
with confectioner’s sugar or honey. This is very like cocoa; can
be drunk hot or cold. Sip one cup a day.
Alginate/Intestinal Healer
For intestines that are sore from surgery, blockage, or in-
flammation. This beverage is not meant to be digested; it forms
a gelatinous ribbon right through the intestine, giving bulk and
absorbing toxins along the way. Consume 1 cup a day in table-
spoon amounts that you add to soup, stew, pudding, pie, or
Bring 2 tsp. sodium alginate powder and 1 pint water to a
boil. Stir with wooden spoon handle. Use slow heat – it could
take an hour. Add to soup, stew, moose elm beverage, pudding
or pie. Consume one to two cups per day.
Food Recipes
Despite the presence of malonic acid, aflatoxins, benzopy-
renes, and solvents in many foods, it is possible to have a deli-
cious and safe diet. Many persons need to gain weight, and with
the emphasis in today's society on losing weight, consider your-
self lucky in this respect. Help yourself to lots of butter, whip-
ping cream, whole milk, avocados, and olive oil. Never throw