Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Wash them off only
with cold tap water, not commercial food “wash.” Scrub hard
with a stiff bristled brush. Then cut away blemishes. Always
peel potatoes so you can see the dark spots underneath. Modern
dirt is full of chemicals and is toxic to you. Where spraying of
fruits, vegetables and greens is permitted, peel everything and
don’t buy small-leafed greens; they can’t be washed free of
benzene. Emphasize head lettuce and cabbage.
Be sure to drink plenty of plain water from your cold fau-
cet throughout the day, especially if it is difficult for you to
drink it with your meals. If you don't like the taste of your own
tap water, try to get it from a friend with newer plumbing. Use a
glass bottle from a grocery store to transport it (the solvent from
a plastic water bottle does not rinse out). Never drink water that
has been run through a water softener or copper plumbing or
has traveled through a long plastic hose. Don't drink water that
has stood in a container for a day. Dump it and rinse the
container. To further improve flavor and to dechlorinate attach
a small faucet filter made of carbon only. Or buy a filter pitcher
(see Sources). Don’t drink water that has stood in the filter
pitcher very long, either.
Fig. 96 Olive Oils