The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


of vitamin C. Then add olive oil in equal amount or to suit. Re-
heat and pour into a butter bowl. Do not save any liquid that
separates at the bottom. Refrigerate.

Sweetening and Flavoring

Brown Sugar. Although I am prejudiced against all sugar
from a health standpoint, my testing revealed no benzene, iso-
propyl alcohol, wood alcohol. However it does contain sorghum

mold and must be treated with vitamin C to detoxify it. Add ¼
tsp. to a 1 pound package; knead until well mixed.
Confectioner’s sugar. This is dextrose or glucose, the same
as blood sugar (cane sugar is sucrose). It needs no digestion and
can be assimilated much more easily, especially in liver disease.
Commercial varieties I tested has no solvents or mold.
Maple syrup. Boil to kill mold spores. Then add vitamin C,
¼ tsp. per pint, to detoxify mycotoxins. Keep refrigerated and
use promptly.

Fig. 98 Safe Sweetening
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