Ant Repellent
Spray 50% white distilled vinegar on counter tops, window
sills and shelves and wipe, leaving residue. Start early in spring
before they arrive, because it takes a few weeks to rid yourself
of them once they are established. If you want immediate ac-
tion, get some lemons, cut the yellow outer peel off and cover
with grain alcohol in a tightly closed jar. Let stand at least one
hour. Use 1 part of this concentrate with 9 parts water in a spray
bottle. Mix only as much as you will use because the diluted
form loses potency. Spray walls, floors, carpets wherever you
see them. The lemon solution even leaves a shine on your
counters. Use both vinegar and lemon approaches to rid your-
self of ants.
To treat the whole house, pour vinegar all around your
foundation, close to the wall, using one gallon for every five
feet. Expect to damage any foliage it touches. Reapply every six
Flower and Foliage Spray
Food-grade hydrogen peroxide. See instructions on bottle.
Moth Balls
I found this recipe in an old recipe book. Mix the following
and scatter in trunks and bags containing furs and woolens: ½
lb. each rosemary and mint, ¼ lb. each tansy and thyme, 2 tbs.
powdered cloves.
Carpet Cleaner
Whether you rent a machine or have a cleaning service,
don’t use the carpet shampoo they want to sell, even if they
“guarantee” that it is all natural and safe. Instead add these to a