days, pour liquid into small glass bottles. Add another ¼ tsp.
vitamin C powder to the top of each before closing. The
strength of this will be half of the concentrate. So you would
need to double the amount taken in the recipe.
Black Walnut Hull Extract (Water Based)
This recipe is intended for alcoholic persons: cover the
green balls in the 10 quart (non-metal) pot with cold tap water.
Heat to boiling, covered. Turn off heat. When cool, add vitamin
C, cover with plastic wrap, and the lid. Let stand for 1 day. It
will be darker than the tincture. Do not dilute. Pour into
freezable containers. Refrigerate what you will use in two days
and freeze the rest. Add vitamin C after thawing or during re-
frigeration (1 tsp. per quart).
For use: in programs calling for Extra Strength Black Wal-
nut Hull Tincture use four times as much of this water based
recipe (8 tsp. instead of 2 tsp. Extra Strength).
Important Note: do not use bottled or purchased water to
make this tincture or you could pollute it with isopropyl alco-
Quassia recipe
Add 1/8 cup quassia chips to 3 cups water. Simmer 20-30
minutes. Pour off 1/8 cup now and drink it fresh. Refrigerate
remainder. Drink 1/8 cup 4 times/day, until a total of ½ cup of
chips is consumed. Flavor with spices.