Black Walnut Hull Extra Strength Enema
Add 1 to 4 tsp. of Black Walnut Hull Extra Strength to 1
quart of very warm water. Repeat as above.
Do an enema daily for one week to improve bowel function,
alternating the above varieties. If you have none of these solu-
tions available, use plain salt water, 1 tsp. per quart. In the ab-
sence of salt, use plain water. Remember, you must move your
bowels or cleanse at least once a day.
Giving Yourself The Perfect Enema
Any drop you spill and everything you use to do the enema
will somehow contaminate your bathroom. Yet you must leave
it all perfectly sanitary for your own protection. So follow these
instructions carefully.
Spread out a large
plastic trash bag on the
bathroom floor. Place a
plastic grocery bag be-
side it and a paper plate
on it. Set a chair nearby,
too. The trash bag is for
you to lie on. Lie on your
back if you have nobody
to help you.
Instructions on com-
mercially available en-
ema bottles advise you to
be on your knees. This may be workable for the small squeeze-
bottle of ready-made solution you can purchase. It is quite
impossible, though, if you are elderly, have painful knees or are
simply ill and must try to take in a whole quart from a complex
Fig. 101 Enema container, tube,