The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Vegetable glycerine Starwest (5 gallon buckets only) or
health food store
Vitamin B 1 Spectrum Chemical Co.
Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin) Spectrum Chemical Co., Nutrition
Vitamin B 6 Spectrum Chemical Co., EDOM Labs,
Seltzer Chemicals, Inc.
Vitamin B 12 Chemical Co.
Vitamin C (ascorbic

Hoffman-LaRoche (all other sources I
tested had either toxic selenium,
yttrium, or thulium pollution!)
Vitamin D See cholecalciferol
Vitamin E capsules Bronson Pharmaceuticals
Vitamin E Oil Spectrum Chemical Co.
Water filter pitchers See filters.
Wormwood capsules Self Health Resource Center, Kroeger
Herb Products, New Action Products
Wormwood seed R. H. Shumway
Zinc oxide Spectrum Chemical Co.

Alltrista Corporation
PO Box 2729
Muncie, IN 47307-0729

Bachem Fine Chemicals Inc.
3132 Kashiwa St.
Torrance, CA 90505
(310) 539-4171

Bando American Inc.
1149 West Bryn Mawr
Itasca, IL 60143
(800) 829-6612
(708) 773-6600

Bazaar of India Imports
1810 University Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94703
(800) 261-7662

Blessed Herbs

109 Barre Plaines Rd.
Oakham, MA 01068
(508) 882-3839

Boehringer Mannheim
9115 Hague Rd.
P.O. Box 50414
Indianapolis, IN 46250
(800) 262-1640
(317) 849-9350

Bronson Pharmaceuticals
Div. of Jones Medical Industry
1945 Craig Road
P.O. Box 46903
St. Louis, MO 63146-6903
(800) 235-3200 retail
(800) 525-8466 wholesale
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