The Cure for All Cancers

(pavlina) #1


Another bacterium harbored by Ascaris is Mycobacterium
avium/intracellulare (two species are mixed on my specimen).
Although I have not discovered any of its metabolic pathways,
it is easy to notice the big improvements in health when it is
killed. Night sweats are immediately gone!
Ascaris has still more tumor-related activities! To under-
stand them you have to know about extensive studies done in
the 1930’s. At that time the structure of cholesterol was being
discovered, and some of its byproducts were suspiciously simi-
lar to the coal tar products known to cause “cancerous tumors”
in mice. Hundreds of coal tar products were studied over a ten
year period, and one of the worst was 20 methyl cholanthrene.
20 methyl cholanthrene is considered one of the most potent
carcinogens ever discovered. One tenth of a milligram
(approximately 1/10 of a flyspeck) injected into the skin of a
mouse, only once, could produce tumors up to 8 months later,
filling the mouse with big round balls that ended its life. Just
one dose! To my amazement the Syncrometer detects 20 methyl
cholanthrene in tumor cells when Ascaris is also present!
How have we escaped our demise by this route for so many
years? We have hosted Ascaris from our early beginnings as
humans, although having household pets is probably a new life-
style. I don’t know the answer, but obviously eliminating As-
caris infestation is a most important task.

I believe it can be safely concluded that tapeworm stages
and Ascaris together with their associated bacteria, initiate our
tumor disease. Later, Clostridium bacteria and various toxins
and “carcinogens” make their deadly contribution.

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