When extractions are done, congratulate yourself for the
achievement. Start the Dental Aftercare program at once. Do
not eat or drink, (besides water) for the rest of the day after an
All root canals and dead teeth must be extracted, as well as
teeth with large fillings. Teeth with implants have not been
studied sufficiently to know which metals they shed or if Clos-
tridium infections start in their vicinity. For this reason, you
must use your own judgment on implants.
After extracting rotten or filled teeth, the dentist or surgeon
needs to do two things before stitching up the wound: cavitation
cleansing and amalgam cleanup.
Huggins Cavitation Cleaning
The tooth was held in the socket by soft tissues like tiny
ligaments. Unless these are removed, too, they will decay and
provide opportunity for bacteria to reside there. The sockets left
behind should be carefully cleaned with special tools for this
This procedure has been taught in the past by Dr. Hal Hug-
gins and many dentists are familiar with it. It is called cavitation
cleaning. It prevents future infection and inability to heal at that
site. In spite of such superior treatment of the socket, you may
occasionally expect a bone fragment to reveal itself later. As it
loosens and works its way out, infection and pain accompany it.
Go back to the dentist. This could be a source of your pain
elsewhere in your body if it is not removed.
While the new sockets are being cleaned, any old infected
sockets (cavitations) should be cleaned out as well. The dentist
can spot the obvious cavitations on the panoramic X-ray. Af-
terwards, each cavitation site also gets squirted with diluted
Lugol’s solution or straight white iodine or straight colloidal
silver. Hidden cavitations (those that don’t show up on the X-
ray) can be cleared without surgery; we will discuss this soon.