tients often state that they feel better, immediately after the
dental extraction, than they can remember in months! It was the
dental problem that was poisoning their platelets and their
blood! It may be the last transfusion that will be needed even
though there is some unavoidable blood loss with dental extrac-
Stitches should be removed earlier for cancer patients than
others because they will get infected by the third day! Do not
use self-digesting sutures; you need the extra dental visit to let
the dentist observe your mouth.
Be Vigilant The Next Week
Continue water picking, hot packing, and rinsing your
mouth with Dental Bleach after each meal until the gums are
healed over. This may take five to seven days, longer for some
sites. Floss and brush your front teeth once a day. If pain stays
away you can take credit for killing your mouth-bacteria. You
may reduce the treatments to three times a day, then twice.
Clostridium can return even after a week of steady recovery.
Remember that its true source is the rabbit fluke, a tiny parasite
that we eat accidentally with filth on unsterilized food. If you
detect an odor from your mouth , at any time, it is Clostridium
making a comeback, even without pain. A crumb has lodged in
the wound and is decaying. Try bleaching, squirting, swishing,
and water picking for half a day; then hurry back to the dentist
if the odor persists.
If you got through the whole ordeal without needing more
than one nights’ pain killer and without needing to return to the
dentist for extra clean-up, give yourself excellent grades. And if
you got through, in any way, still give yourself very good
It is common for dentists to recommend cold packing to re-
duce swelling after dental work. I recommend hot packing be-
cause I consider swelling less important than infection or pain.
It is also common for dentists to rely on antibiotics to clear up
infection. I find this is not sufficient.