and one eighth inch wide). Put a few drops of Lugol’s into a
large glass of water, big enough to dip your hands into to steril-
ize them before the final polishing and “finishing” of your teeth.
First, you must brush your teeth very thoroughly with Dental
Bleach. The easiest way is to be seated in a recliner chair facing
into a bright light or sunshine and have a friend do the
polishing. Otherwise you must do it yourself, standing in front
of a mirror. Individually sterilize each of your hands and a fin-
ishing strip. Notice the clear plastic in the middle of a finishing
strip. Slide it between the first two teeth. Saw back and forth as
much as the teeth allow. Repeat between all other teeth. The
heaviest work is at the ends—the sides of the last tooth in the
row. Saw with a long sweep of the strip. Saw at least 20 times.
Use the strip as ingeniously as you can to polish the top surface,
too. Keep dipping your hands in Lugol’s before each time you
work in the mouth. When the polishing is complete, brush teeth
again, and rinse with Dental Bleach.
Ideally, each newly polished tooth is now tested with the
Syncrometer for remaining plastic, amalgam, or clostridium
bacteria. Resonance with urethane and DAB dye or bisphenol
implicates leftover plastic. Resonance with platinum, palladium,
thallium, or nickel implicates amalgam. After finding which
teeth are still contaminated, test the tooth surfaces individually
to identify its exact location. Then repeat the polishing on that
surface. Test each tooth for Clostridium , too. Note that even the
tiniest brown spot tests Positive for Clostridium. Try to polish it
away. If you can’t, go back to your dentist for assistance. Do
not have these tiny cavities filled afterward. But brush with
oregano oil and colloidal silver in turns after meals, and Dental
Bleach at bedtime.
This beginning Home Dentistry is a creative innovation of
huge significance. Being able to do simple dentistry using the
Syncrometer to guide you may pave the way to caries preven-
tion that has eluded us so long. You can find a tooth infection
long before it becomes a cavity.
You are finally metal-free, plastic-free, dye-free, and Clos-
tridium -free. All that will be needed is to draw these out of your