After a lifetime of work Warburg finally concluded that any
substance that damaged respiration would cause tumors; he
had proved it many times, in many animals, with many respira-
tory inhibitors (including urethane, which seeps from plastic
teeth). But exceptions could be found, showing there were ad-
ditional “common denominators” he could not guess at that
time. After giving his life to this work, he grew disappointed
that damaged respiration was not the one and only cause of tu-
mors. He, too, believed that a single cause must somehow be the
only and sufficient cause of tumors. We now know that nothing
is that simple in biology. His legacy, the discovery that tumor
cells have inadequate respiration, is monumental. His book, The
Metabolism of Tumours, can be found at university libraries.
When the Krebs cycle is blocked by a respiratory inhibitor,
cells are immediately in a crisis, like when computers crash.
The cells can still do glycolysis to make energy, but, of course,
must do it many times faster than before. Like a car that has
slipped out of high gear into first gear, but must still keep up the
55 mph speed—much more fuel will be used for the miles trav-
eled. The tumor cell consumes everything in its vicinity for fuel:
the blood sugar drops, blood fat level drops, muscle protein is
used up. The patient becomes emaciated. And, in spite of all this
activity, there is no energy and little enough body heat.
Numerous other respiratory inhibitors besides malonic acid
and urethane were found in the next decades. Exotic things, like
antimycin A, made by Streptomyces griseus, a most unlikely
bacterium as it seemed then! Rotenone was found (a fish poison
and now a common pesticide) and maleic acid, another non-
biological substance. It could not be guessed—only the Syn-
crometer technology has revealed—that we are inundated in
malonic and maleic acids, urethane, rotenone, and antimycin A,
not one, but all of them!
Inundated in malonic acid because it is in our food, besides
other sources. We are probably eating much more malonic acid
now than we did in the past. Tomatoes are now a year round
food. Orange juice is consumed in units of three or four oranges
at a time, not one, as would have been the practice long ago.