Neither the FDA nor private laboratories do testing for illegal
azo dyes.
Certainly, this is a loophole in the regulation of dyed foods.
Dyed food should be spot-tested constantly. This would proba-
bly uncover the mysterious “transmissible factor” that pollutes
nearly all (over 90%) of the processed food in the U.S. market-
Sudan IV
The dye industry of Germany was an early industrial devel-
opment—already thriving in the 1880s. During WWI, surgeons
used Sudan IV to rub into soldiers’ wounds because it had been
seen to speed wound-healing. Soon these boys grew tumors
from within and around the wound site. It did not take long to
make the connection. Use of Sudan IV to heal wounds was
stopped by the war’s end. It was a cruel hoax to perpetrate on
young war heroes and their families, but incredibly, researchers
are still experimenting with its use!^71
Just how carcinogenic is Sudan IV? The Syncrometer de-
tects it as soon as you have eaten dyed food, in the lung, tongue,
salivary glands, esophagus and stomach. It is also seen in the
bone marrow, liver and spleen. The next day, Sudan IV lines the
whole intestinal tract including the colon, and is present in
adrenals and kidneys, too. It is not easily detoxified by your
body and therefore, cannot be quickly eliminated. It accumu-
lates in the body’s fat—both organ fat and skin fat.
Scientists had done the necessary research on Sudan IV and
many other carcinogenic dyes by the 1960s. They had taken the
molecule apart. The left hand portion of the molecule is respon-
sible for the carcinogenic action. By itself; this portion is called
o-aminoazotoluene or AAT , not easy to recognize or pro-
nounce. It forms the heart of numerous azo dyes. When a single
dose of AAT is given to mice or rats, it combines with both
(^71) Tan, S.T., Robers, R.H., Blake, G.B., Comparing DuoDERM E R With Scarlet Red In
The Treatment Of Split Skin Graft Donor Sites, British Jour. Of Plastic Surgery, v.
46, 1993, pp. 79-81. (Scarlet red is Sudan IV.)