Sudan Black B
Sudan Black B accumulates in any organ, penetrating the
nucleus of many cells, making it the most difficult of dyes to
remove. It has three azo portions in the molecule, making it the
most difficult of dyes to detoxify, too. While it is concentrated
inside the tumor, it slowly leaks out, being taken up by the liver
and other vital organs. It causes part of the LDH rise so com-
monly seen in advanced cancer patients. Did Sudan Black B
cause a mutation that overproduces LDH or lactic acid? LDH
and alkaline phosphatase are often seen to be linked on the
blood test. The dyes, Sudan Black B and DAB, are both present
when both enzymes are elevated. When only one test is ele-
vated, only one dye is found present.
It requires large doses of coenzyme Q10, vitamin B 2 and
glutathione (this is part of the 21 Day Program) to detoxify our
azo dye collection. When we track carcinogenic dyes with the
Syncrometer, we see them appear in the kidneys and bladder
afterward. It still takes a special effort to dislodge them here.
Hair dye and food dye are considered to be far apart in terms
of danger to the body by our government agencies. It is assumed
that the hair, being external to the body, does not transmit its
dye or other chemicals to the body. Nothing could be further
from the truth. Hair dye is immediately absorbed by the scalp
and remains there in a large reservoir to be slowly absorbed for
six weeks! By then, a new batch of dye is applied. For this rea-
son, hair dye should be non-carcinogenic and easily excreted by
the body. If you have used hair dye you must begin to detoxify
it and use only all-herbal dye in the future (see Sources).
Additional note: never, never get your skin tattooed. Long
ago, when vegetable dyes were used, it may have been safe. But
now, tattoos seep synthetic dye at a steady rate.
Fast Green FCF
Fast Green FCF is also known as Food Green 3. It is not an
azo dye, it is a legal food color. I find fruits and vegetables that
are dyed to give them extra appeal in the supermarket are satu