twice in hot water, this risk from carcinogenic dyes will be
gone. This is the main reason for removing dairy products from
the diet during the 21 Day Program. After your tumors are gone
and health has returned, you can begin to detoxify food dyes by
adding vitamin B 2 to the food itself.
Don’t Eat Carcinogenic Metals
Even though our bodies need copper, cobalt, germanium and
perhaps even vanadium, it is needed in organic form. The inor-
ganic form is toxic. The toxicity is subtle. It builds up slowly.
Certainly, the body has detoxification mechanisms, but these
use up your glutathione and precious metabolites. As you age,
we have less ability to detoxify.
Although the body can often make the organic form out of
inorganic metal that you eat, this does not justify eating it. Eat
only the organic forms of germanium (aloe, garlic, hydrangea
root), chromium (thyme, chromium-yeast). Ultratrace minerals
can be found in fish, eggs and whole seeds.
- Cook in glass or ceramic pots, not stainless steel, which
releases chromium and nickel, two of the most carcino-
genic metals. - Change copper or galvanized (source of cadmium) water
pipes to PVC plastic. Perhaps the practice of grounding
the house electricity is partly to blame for so much corro-
sion. - Change glasses frames to plastic.
- Switch to non-metal jewelry. Wear no metal that touches
the skin. (For solid jade rings, see Sources.) - Use no metal tooth repairs