Even after avoiding benzene to the best of your ability, de-
toxifying food with B 2 is essential for the cancer patient.
Don’t Eat Asbestos
We are familiar with airborne asbestos, and the whole nation
has made great efforts to remove it from our buildings. But this
source of exposure is minor compared to the huge amounts we
are eating daily! The Syncrometer detects it on apples, plums,
pears, rolled oats, rice, and many other foods. It can be washed
off some foods, but not off others. There are large amounts in
sugar, which explains its presence in all sweetened foods. It can
be filtered out of a light syrup made from sugar, using a coffee
filter. Coffee, too, is contaminated with asbestos but can be
cleared by filtering. What these foods have in common is rolling
along conveyor belts. I suspect many conveyor belts, especially
old ones, contain asbestos. Avoiding asbestos and learning to
remove it are part of the instructions given in Food Rules.
Asbestos does special harm to us. Our white blood cells
quickly eat it up themselves to protect our vital organs. But
once the white blood cells are filled up, their lysosomes are
speared and damaged, letting out their ferritin and the iron metal
contained within. Ferritin reaches the surface somehow, where
it coats the white blood cell all over the outside, covering up its
precious receptor sites. Now it no longer recognizes bacteria,
viruses, toxins or even its friendly neighbors. It can’t even un-
load its toxic cargo to get it on its way for excretion. The immu-
nity in this tissue (our white blood cells) is fatally reduced.
And even after the asbestos is removed from the tissues, by
restoring immunity, the cells are left with the remains: a large
pile of useless oxidized iron, the “ferric” form. It will take gi-
gantic amounts of vitamin C to reduce it and remove it.