I hope you have already started the 21 Day Program. You
may have noticed that the first thing we do is kill parasites so
they can not take advantage of the nutritional supplements that
follow. Parasites are dead in hours and it is now safe, and neces-
sary, to feed the recovering body tissues. I have not done many
experiments where we fed large amounts of supplements before
killing parasites and bacteria. But feeding the “bad guys” may
explain why the research literature has conflicting results on the
benefits of giving vitamins to cancer patients. Our instructions
are safe.
Here is the comprehensive list of supplements, most of
which you will use. No others should be used since purity from
pollutants and antiseptic is a life-and-death issue now. Corpora-
tions selling supplements cannot vouch for, nor even identify
the antiseptics used in their own products. Nor colorants, fillers,
pump sterilizers, valve lubricants, moisture absorbers, capsule
sealers, release agents, etc. Each of these leaves a trace behind,
in the finished product. We are accustomed to thinking that a
trace is “negligible.” But even ultra-traces are not negligible
when they are uranium, Sudan Black B or thulium! The Syn-
crometer detects them in crucial organs of sick people, so they
could not be negligible. For this reason, untested supplements
are off-limits to cancer patients. You could, of course, have
your supplements tested by a testing lab (see Sources).
Not all of these supplements are available in all countries.
Where possible, I have given alternatives.