cervical mucous—obviously to keep iron away from the bacte-
ria that enjoy living in these fluids. Both transferrin and lac-
toferrin are missing in cancer patients. This could be due to
missing xanthine oxidase, a common oxidizer enzyme.
Making xanthine oxidase is somehow dependent on xan-
thine. (The Syncrometer detects their presence and absence to-
gether.) Xanthine is one of the purines (quite similar to nucleic
acid bases) typically missing in cancer patients due to clostrid-
ium bacteria. To restore your purines you must kill the invading
clostridium bacteria. As soon as this is done, within twenty-four
hours, everything is back in place. And transferrin is busily
transporting iron again from your body’s storage piles.
Lactoferrin must be eaten before it gets reestablished. It is
present in raw cows’ or goats’ milk and is not destroyed by
sterilizing. Even one glass a week keeps lactoferrin reinstated.
(Remember, though, that no dairy products are allowed in your
21 Day Program, so start this on day 22.) Goat milk does not
have malonic acid and need not have vitamin C added.
To get your lactoferrin during the 21 Day Program, choose a
small beef bone with marrow in it. Place in water or broth. Boil
5 minutes. Then add HCl drops to sterilize. Eat it at least once a
week. It is a delicacy.
Iron is necessary for your body in many ways, besides
making hemoglobin for your red blood cells. Muscle activity
depends on myoglobin—much like hemoglobin; it contains iron.
Detoxification of cholesterol, hormones, assorted amines, even
industrial chemicals that have entered the body is done by en-
zymes called cytochrome P-450s. They require iron. Nearly half
the enzymes in the Krebs cycle need iron. The enzymes cata-
lase, peroxidase and various dehydrogenases also contain iron.
Iron must not be in competition with copper, either. Copper
water pipes and copper seeping from metal or plastic dentalware
keep blood iron levels too low. So even when transferrin and
lactoferrin are present, your body may be starved for iron.
Yet cancer patients cannot simply be given iron supple-
ments...even if blood levels are low. It could do more harm
than good.