cotoxins, as well as oxidize metals, truly a magic bullet. Unfor-
tunately, the cancer patient is not strong enough to survive such
a “blitz”—a serious crisis might follow. I prefer rhodizonic acid
which is less powerful and without after-effects. A 10 mg dose
in^1 / 8 cup water is held in the mouth for 5 minutes before swal-
lowing. Six doses a day is typical.
The Syncrometer does indeed detect BQ and rhodizonic acid
in children and healthy tissues of adults, but never in the pres-
ence of Ascaris.
Busy B’s
Vitamin B 1 is thiamin. Since slow oxidation of food limits
the availability of ATP energy, helping food oxidize in any way
is important. Cancer patients become emaciated as the disease
becomes terminal. Part of this is due to not eating. There is no
appetite. In fact, there may be revulsion toward food. The pa-
tient shoves everything away except water. The liver dictates
this behavior. Perhaps it knows it can’t digest. It takes a large
amount of thiamin and other digestive “help” to persuade the
liver it can digest food. It takes 500 mg taken with each meal to
increase appetite.
Vitamin B 2 is riboflavin. Besides being part of the oxidation
chain that metabolizes food, B 2 has a number of other activities.
It is a detoxifier of azo dyes^102 and benzene. The Syncrometer
detects the disappearance of benzene within minutes after taking
a large enough dose of B 2. But it is only changed to phenol,
halfway to complete detoxification. So vitamin B 2 is taken with
magnesium to detoxify phenol as well. Phenol is extremely de-
structive, oxidizing our vitamin C, our sulfur-based enzymes,
and even vitamins.
Vitamin B 6 helps enzymes that transform amino acids,
called transaminases. It is a vital function of the liver. In fact, if
transaminase levels in the blood are high, it shows these en-
zymes were dumped by the liver—due to dying liver cells. Un-
(^102) Miller, J.A., Miller, E.C., The Carcinogenic Aminoazo Dyes, Advances In Cancer
Research, Greenstein, J.P., editor, Academic Press inc., v. 1, 1953, pp. 346-47.