metal or plastic fillings, and teeth that are capped, or have
root canals. After healing for five days to let the gums
close, get a digital X-ray exam of the front teeth. Plastic
fillings can be identified and drilled out. Your recovery
now depends on perfection practiced by your dentist; the
tiniest speck of plastic remaining will still show its poi-
sonous effect on your next blood test and will prevent re-
covery (high LDH, alkaline phosphatase, globulin, low
iron). Leave the fresh cavities open until the blood test re-
sults have become normal. Keep them sanitary by brush-
ing after eating with colloidal silver and oregano oil (see
Rinse your mouth at bedtime with dental bleach, for one
month. Start the Dental Aftercare program (page 83) care-
fully and meticulously, on the same day as the dental
- Treat all your essential medications as if they were con-
taminated by dyes, benzene, and isopropyl alcohol. Treat
them as described in the Safer Painkillers section (page
- Start your tumor shrinking diet (page 97). Choose ma-
lonate-free foods. Remove asbestos, dyes, lanthanides all
together with 2 hot water soaks separated by a 10 minute
cooling. Sterilize everything afterward except water (see
page 517). Every food is given a few drops of hydrochlo-
ric acid (5%, USP) after serving on your plate; stir in
well. Total drops of hydrochloric acid added not to ex-
ceed 45 drops daily, not counting those used in kitchen
- Throw away all your cosmetics, lotions, salves, deodor-
ant, shaving supplies, shampoos, hair dyes, eye liner,
soap, mouthwash, toothpaste, nail polish, absolutely eve-
rything that goes on or in your body. Switch to our reci-
pes (page 544). More are given in The Cure For All Can-
cers. Take a shower and shampoo the chemicals out of
your hair with borax and citric acid. Do not use a hair
blower and keep very warm by dressing in extra clothes.