Critical Blood Tests
If you got your blood tested on the first day, you can expect
your results on day two or three, because laboratories only take
24 hours. If you haven’t been notified of your results by now,
call your doctor and ask that they be read or faxed to you. You
may be feeling quite well but any result outside the normal
range should get immediate attention.
As soon as they arrive, review them yourself. It is the cus-
tom in the American medical community not to share these re-
sults, not to explain them, and in fact, to minimize testing. I be-
lieve all this is intended to avoid embarrassing questions by the
patient such as, “Why didn’t I improve?” or “Why is my LDH
so high?” With this attitude, liver enzymes, serum iron and even
the LDH are often omitted completely by physicians (make sure
to request them).
As soon as you have results, find the ones that are too high
or too low, and take appropriate action as described in the
chapter Reading Your Blood Test Results.
Day 3
- Start folic acid, 25 mg per day (that is 25 one milligram
or 0.9 mg capsules). You may have been on chemother-
apy that used anti-folate compounds. Their purpose was
to kill your cancer cells. If you are now considered a ter-
minally ill cancer patient, you may agree that such clini-
cal treatments failed for you and are not worth pursuing
at this point. My approach is the opposite—we will
shrink the tumors and rehabilitate the nearby tumor-like
tissue, letting the body select those cells it will digest.
You should decide to cease anti-folate chemotherapy if
you plan to use folic acid. - Raw beet juice, 2 Tbs. before each meal. Add 1 teaspoon
to 1 tablespoon vinegar as desired. This reduces phenol