Day 7
- Beta carotene, 15 mg (2400 units), once a day.
- Thioctic acid, 500 mg, one a day. I think this tastes too
bad too put in the vitamix. I suggest taking it separately. - Phytic acid (inositol phosphate, “IP6”), 50% solution,
take 10 drops in a cup of water, three times a day before
For prostate cancer add linseed (flax seed), 1 tablespoon
daily. Rinse in bleach water (dental bleach is fine) to destroy
aflatoxin and zearalenone. Then add a pinch of vitamin B 2 to
remove benzene. Soak them in a beverage for 10 minutes; then
stir into cereal or casserole dish. Or you may blend them in a
blender. Do not use purchased linseed oil. Sterilize final serv-
ing. Also take zinc gluconate 10 to 30 mg daily.
For bone cancer add boron, 3 to 6 mg daily.
For liver cancer add silymarin, a milk thistle product. Take
two, three times a day. Also drink green bitters and raw liver
cocktail (see Recipes) once a day.
For lung cancer add “lung tea”, a mixture of comfrey and
mullein. Also eat one small clove of raw garlic with each meal.
Day 7 At A Glance
Before breakfast Ten coenzyme Q10 (400 mg). Repeat parasite program, 2
tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength, 9 wormwood cap-
sules, 9 clove capsules. Take thyroid (two grains), and
vitamin A (100,000 units), plus vitamin E, 100 units.
Open six glutathione capsules, six B 2 capsules, three
magnesium oxide capsules, nine betaine hydrochloride
capsules, six vitamin B 3 12 capsules, 25 folic acid capsules,
/ 16 tsp. niacin, one calcium capsule, six methionine cap-
sules, three (or one) vitamin B 1 capsules, two vitamin B 6
capsules, six arginine capsules, six inositol capsules, six
ornithine capsules, 3 tsp. glutamic acid, three tsp. pan-
tothenate, three taurine capsules, two niacinamide cap-
sules, six tsp. amino acids, two glucuronic acid capsules,
one biotin capsule, one 15 mg beta carotene to make to-
day’s vitamix (bone cancer add 3-6 mg boron), (liver can-
cer add silymarin).
Combine papain or bromelain, powdered hydrangea, MSM,
shark cartilage, and drink. Make coconut beverage or add