break from the topical treatments, and also oral vitamin A , for at
least three days.)
But tumors that are hard to reach, in brain or bone marrow,
or with tough coats around them have not even begun to spill
their contents. This is fortunate since the vital organs need spe-
cial protection from the tumor contents. It will be like opening
the cages of lions and tigers at a zoo. Your special protectors
will be glutathione, ozonated water, oregano oil, ozonated oil,
and the parasite program. Because within the tumors, and only
within them , Fasciolopsis, Ascaris, Rabbit fluke, and Clostrid-
ium are still alive!
We will next begin to drain the tumors, killing and detoxi-
fying everything that emerges.
We will start with a high dose, 12 gm, of riboflavin (vitamin
B 2 ) which will saturate the tissue around the tumor. Lower
doses cannot do this. (A dose of DMSO will help the B 2 pene-
trate and toxins get out but is not essential.) Suddenly all the
toxins break free and flow out of the tumor—into your body!
Aflatoxin, zearalenone and benzene are set free; asbestos and
heavy metals are set free; carcinogenic plasticizers and dyes are
now free; silicone from old toothpaste and duster spray is set
free; acrylic acid and acrolein are set free; the malonates are
now free; flukes and Ascaris are set free. We will also use a
magnet to set the lanthanide metals and iron free.
The flood gates have been opened. There must be enough B 2
now to combine with all the dyes, benzene, and acrylic acid,
enough glutathione to protect the liver from all the aflatoxin,
enough magnesium to detoxify all the phenol. There must be
enough ozonated water to combine with all the metals and
enough ozonated oil to kill whatever viruses escape. And, of
course, all escaping parasites and bacteria must be promptly
killed. Finally, there must be enough magnetic power to attract
the lanthanides and the iron. After this the calcium deposits can
be dissolved again with the help of phytic acid and vitamin D,