Day 8 At A Glance
Before breakfast Ten coenzyme Q10 (400 mg each). (One Q10 capsule on
Days 16, 18 and 20.) Take thyroid (two grains), and vita-
min A (100,000 units) plus vitamin E, 100 units. Kill para-
sites with 10 tsp. black walnut tincture extra strength (or 2
capsules freeze dried), 9 wormwood and 9 cloves today.
Take 2 gm vitamin C. Do DMSO mouthwash. Take^1 / 8 tsp.
EDTA in water. Take one Levamisole, 50 mg.
Open three magnesium oxide capsules, nine betaine hy-
drochloride capsules, six vitamin B 12 capsules, 25 folic
acid capsules,^3 / 16 tsp. niacin, one calcium capsule, six me-
thionine capsules, three (or one) vitamin B 1 capsules, two
vitamin B 6 capsules, six arginine capsules, six inositol
capsules, six ornithine capsules, 3 tsp. of glutamic acid,
three tsp. pantothenate, three taurine capsules, two niaci-
namide capsules, six tsp. amino acids, two glucuronic acid
capsules, one biotin capsule, one beta carotene to make
today’s vitamix (bone cancer add 3-6 mg boron), (liver
cancer add silymarin). Combine six 500 mg pancreatin, six
500 mg lipase, powdered hydrangea, MSM, and drink.
Make coconut beverage and drink or take sodium selenite,
500 mcg. Take one drop vitamin D (25,000 units). Take 40
500 mg capsules of glutathione (only 20 capsules on days
15-21) stirred into a beverage.
Breakfast Take 10 drops phytic acid in cup water, then take 20 drops
oregano oil, then take 2 gm vitamin C. Mix a third of your
vitamix with part of your breakfast and gulp down. Sprinkle
15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet juice,
six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops
Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” your breakfast with ½ tsp. potas-
sium gluconate. Have three drops wintergreen oil. Take
one 500 mg capsule of thioctic acid.
Midmorning Take 40 300 mg capsules of vitamin B 2 , stirred into honey
or sterilized maple syrup (only 20 capsules on days 15-21).
Prepare the kidney (1¼ cups) and liver (2 cups) herb con-
coctions to sip throughout the day. Take another 2 gm
vitamin C. Zap when convenient. Empty the urine jug and
start collecting again. Drink more liquids today because
your goal is one gallon! Ozonate a glass quart jar of water
for about ten minutes. Drink a glassful now. (Liver cancer
make some green bitters and raw liver cocktail and drink
promptly.) Take^1 / 8 tsp. EDTA in a cup of hot water. Take
one Levamisole, 50 mg.
Lunch Take 10 drops phytic acid in cup water, then take 20 drops
oregano oil, then a pint of chicken soup with 2 gm vitamin
C, 15 drops hydrochloric acid on your food, 2 Tbs. beet
juice, six fennel capsules, six turmeric capsules, six drops
Lugol’s afterward. “Salt” with ½ tsp. potassium gluconate.
Have three drops wintergreen oil.
Afternoon Take 4 cysteine (500 mg each). Drink another glass of
ozonated water. For prostate cancer treat and soak one
tbs. linseed to eat with supper, also take zinc gluconate. If
you are getting low on chicken soup, make some more.