experimental procedure, which is another statistically derived
Remember that oncologists are highly trained in the sci-
ences; they do want the best for you. They must practice within
the boundaries of conventional treatments or risk losing their
license to practice. The result may be something that overtreats
or undertreats. This is unavoidable. They too would like to
know the cause and effect relationships that underlie cancer and
do not try to cover up ignorance.
When you are first contemplating the options available to
you, try to choose the best of both worlds for yourself. You will
be torn in different directions.
A fictional example, about a painful toe, may help:
One day, you tell your doctor your toe hurts and has been
painful for several months. You are given a blood test, a physical
examination, and some pain killers. You are asked to return in a
few weeks. When you return and there has been no change, you
are referred to a foot specialist.
The new doctor scans, measures, palpates and Doppler-
auscultates your foot and toe; details on posture, gait, health his-
tory, family foot problems are noted. All the results, put together
after a complete workup, give you a label (diagnosis): prosematis.
This label is now looked up in a huge catalog that is kept current
by professional and government committees. There are very many
entries of similar but slightly different conditions, like “pseudo
prosematis,” “atypical prosematis,” “idiopathic prosematis.” Suc-
cess in treatment depends on the diagnosis being absolutely accu-
rate. (A large part of the work and expense that goes into cancer
treatment is in the accuracy of the diagnosis.) The catalog gives
you the treatment protocol: ACP, IHO/W, PMT/GA in order of ef-
fectiveness for your prosematis.
ACP means Amputation up to the exact Center of the Pain lo-
cation. “When a circle is drawn according to pain intensity deter-
mined by artificially produced pain around that point and a pain
intensity scale is used to determine the diameter of,” and so forth.
Exact details fill a page or more.
(^8) Warrel, R.P. Jr., Danieu, L., Coonley, C., Atkins, C., Salvage Chemotherapy of
Advanced Lymphoma with Investigational Drugs: Mitoguazone, Gallium Nitrate, and
Etoposide, Cancer Treatment Reports, v. 71, 1987, pp. 47-51.