Without the disturbances of disease and deficiencies, we
might not need a daily intake of twenty-five milligrams of folic
acid. Stopping malonate consumption would reduce the need
further. The maximum allowable supplement in the United
States is one milligram. This is not nearly enough to correct our
common health problems. The regulation is important, though,
because taking a lot of folic acid can mask a B 12 deficiency. A
better solution would be to make it mandatory to provide B 12
along with the larger amount of folic acid, all in the same dose.
Triglycerides and Cholesterol
Triglycerides are your blood fats. They are usually much
too low in cancer patients. The reason is not yet understood by
scientists. But it is easy to see that cancer patients are very mal-
nourished, using up both blood sugar and fat to sustain the
body. At the same time the patient feels neither hunger nor ap-
petite, and loses weight steadily.
If your triglycerides are below one hundred, you must eat,
eat, eat to catch up on lost calories and nutrition. Even if your
triglycerides are above one hundred, you must struggle hard to
keep this level up. Your food must be as rich in fat as your di-
gestion allows. Five or six meals a day is the norm. You must
force yourself to eat, even without appetite.
Triglycerides that are “too high,” such as over 300, are a
welcome sight in cancer patients. It shows there is plenty of en-
ergy reserve to support the sick body. Do not try to lower your
triglyceride level by dieting. Your diet must be extra nutritious
now, without regard for calories. As your health improves, es-
pecially kidney health, high triglycerides may suddenly drop by
one hundred points, putting you on the brink of too low triglyc-
Cholesterol levels tend to go with triglyceride levels, and
are often much too low, as well. Since cholesterol is largely
made in the liver, low cholesterol reflects a sick liver. Choles-
terol is needed for every cell—it forms the outer coat or mem-