folic acid (50 mg a day), pantothenic acid (3 teaspoons a day),
vitamin C (10 gm or two teaspoons a day).
Other supplements most useful for the kidneys at this time
are lysine (5 gm a day), and cysteine (3 gm a day). Altogether,
these can help you avoid the need for IV therapy with steroids,
albumin, and saline. But if the problem persists or is even wors-
ening, clinical assistance must be found.
Low levels of sodium and chloride contribute to fatigue. Yet
eating salt does not raise these levels and would be quite detri-
mental. Tumor cells and other sick cells have become
“waterlogged” with sodium and chloride. These elements must
be coaxed out with potassium.
Potassium chloride is tissue or cell salt. When it is too low,
you may feel fatigue, as with low sodium. Your tissues are con-
stantly lapping up the potassium in your blood for the internal
use of the cells. This would lower your blood level quickly if
you did not replenish it by eating.
The healthy level for potassium as I have observed is 4.5 to
4.7. All cancer patients have a severe deficit of potassium which
takes weeks to bring up to normal. The potassium level of your
blood does not rise quickly. Most persons, even those who con-
sider themselves healthy, have levels that are too low! The
cause is not known, although I suspect vanadium may play a
role by substituting itself for potassium. For cancer patients, it is
very important to raise your potassium level to the maximum,
4.7. This is to stimulate respiration, namely, oxygen utilization
by the cells. Potassium was one of the first nutrients found to
stimulate oxygen utilization by tissues. At the same time it
coaxes sodium and chloride to come out of cells and reside in
the blood again, raising the electrolyte levels.
Often the chloride level is adequate, while the potassium
level is too low. For this reason we do not supplement with po-
tassium chloride but rather with potassium gluconate. This
avoids raising the chloride level. If your potassium level is very
low (under 3.5), you will need three teaspoons daily of potas-
sium gluconate. Use one teaspoon with each meal, stirring it
into food, or as “salt.” (One teaspoon potassium gluconate sup-