serious disease is in progress. The calcium level in the blood
test is therefore another “masked” value.
The disease process is unmasked as you begin to remove the
toxins. If the parathyroids are cleaned up first, the calcium level
elevates. If the thyroid cleans up first, the calcium level drops.
Hurry, to clear both of them from toxins so no extremes result.
Your body corrects itself very swiftly. Your calcium level may
drop from a life-threatening 16.0 to 10.0 in five days as the den-
tal toxins, copper, cobalt, vanadium, germanium, food ma-
lonates, urethane from plastics, dyes, and bacteria leave the thy-
roid. Similarly, a life-threatening low of 6.8 can rise to 7.5 in
five days by doing the same clean-ups.
Calcium levels higher than 15.0 may begin to cause mental
confusion. Calcium may precipitate (settle) in the kidneys; this
could become irreversible damage although the kidney herb
recipe may still reverse this.
We have brought down a level as high as 19.0 safely, due to
lightning-speed attention. Tooth extractions of all artificially-
filled teeth, in a single sweep, on the day of arrival can bring the
calcium level down several points the same day, to begin the
recovery. Levels below 7.0 must have the same emergency pro-
cedure: tooth extraction will gain a few points in twenty-four
hours, to bring you back into the extremely low, but surviving,
patient group. The correct level is 9.1 to 9.6.
A relatively new class of drugs, the diphosphonates, can be
used to block bone dissolution so that calcium levels are forced
to drop. This may be life-saving and provide you with the win-
dow of time needed to detoxify your thyroid gland. A popular
brand, Clodronate, is available in Mexico (and Aredia in the
United States). Giving calcitonin is also useful for short periods.
But ultimately neither medication can save you unless the thy-
roid and parathyroids are helped.
Phosphorus levels that are below three indicate a need for
vitamin D. The correct level is 3.0 to 3.9 mg/dl. As your kidney
health improves this will improve also. For this reason, we pre-
fer to wait a week to see if it has corrected itself before giving a