The brain as seen from the top by CT or MRI looks like the
meat of a walnut. The two halves are separated by a straight
line. The center line should not be pushed to either side. Pres-
sure due to fluid buildup, edema, is the usual cause of displace-
ment of the centerline. The edema could result from an active
tumor. The tumor itself is identifiable as an extra dense region
that is not shaped as normal brain tissue should be; the shape is
compared to the opposite side that is normal and healthy. A
plain X-ray, of the skull, not shown, can often show a large
brain problem, too, and is much less expensive.
The liver is best viewed by ultrasound. Ultrasound uses
sound waves instead
of radiation, is also
non-invasive, and in-
expensive. Like a CT,
ultrasound produces a
number of frames.
The large right lobe
should appear smooth
in texture (have an
even density). There
should not be spe-
cially dense regions as
seen in liver cancer.
The gallbladder will
be viewed on some frames.
The left lobe of the liver is much smaller. The pancreas and
spleen may be viewed on some frames.
Here is a CT scan of the liver. The texture should be
smooth, without granules or dense areas. The dark mushroom
shape is the spinal column.