Also included was hawthorn berry, and coenzyme Q10. These two
would eventually replace her heart medicine by supplying what the heart
really needed. [The reader is cautioned not to do this at home without medi-
cal supervision.]
Next was a recipe of herbs to build bones, consisting of burdock, mul-
lein, boneset, comfrey. I reassured her that any toxicity from these was mere
hearsay. If she had any side effects, please let us know. There were none.
Her “Rhodakem” (proprietary form of rhodizonic acid; it costs about
$3.00 per vial) was raised to 4 vials a day. There was nothing to lose by
maximizing every treatment. Time was of the essence for her, while pain was
not yet so intense that continuous painkiller was needed.
The following day she had her first IV. She began wheezing and
coughing during the IV which couldn’t be stopped. [With hindsight, she
probably got a dose of bacteria in her IV. We were unaware of the bacterial
problem at that time and had not learned to sterilize the IVs with ethyl alco-
hol nor filter them.]
“Katherine” in the IV and zapper room