bottled water. She was helped to make borax shampoo and persuaded to stop
bottled water.
Three days later Michelle was Negative for asbestos, fiberglass, and iso-
propyl alcohol. She felt well and had brought her children. She was started
on Lugol’s iodine, though, (6 drops, 4 times a day in water) to eliminate a
Salmonella invasion.
Eight days later (she was missing her daily IVs and check ups), she ar-
rived still Negative to toxins. Her swollen liver had gone down along with
her abdominal pain.
She missed appointments another two weeks and had been seen shop-
ping with her children. She was coaxed to come back. She had a new pain
across the abdomen and was coughing. She only stayed long enough for one
IV treatment even though appointments, IVs, and supplements were given
free of charge, out of compassion for her tragic circumstances.
Another three weeks went by without communication. Then she arrived
very depressed. Yet her energy was up, her health obviously better, and all
her pain gone. Her coughing had stopped. A scan was scheduled. But it was
A month later, November, she had gained 20 lb., and had not yet done
her scan. We were overjoyed to see her and quickly helped her get to the
radiologist. The scan showed the large liver tumor had mostly disappeared,
leaving only fragments. Notice how the texture of the entire liver was much
improved, appearing more regular and smooth than her first scan.
She continued to miss treatments for another month, in spite of our
Nov. liver scan