4 Jason McGowan Pancreatic and Liver Cancer
Jason McGowan, a middle-age father of several children, was first diag-
nosed with irritable bowel syndrome at home. He was on antibiotics for a
severe “flu” that wouldn’t go away soon after that. A GI series of X-rays
showed nothing, but an ultrasound of the liver revealed some spots. Then a
CT scan was done. It showed a 5 x 7 cm tumor in the pancreas. This is
equivalent to 2 x 3 in., the size of a tangerine. Plus several small masses in
the liver, considered to be metastases from the pancreatic tumor. He did not
want to biopsy any of
them since he knew this
was terminal illness. He
refused clinical treatment
and headed for Mexico.
It was March 17. He
arrived full of vanadium,
gold, freon, isopropyl
alcohol, three varieties of
salmonella, one shigella,
and Staphylococcus
aureus. The vanadium
came from his oil-heated
home; he said you could
smell the oil as you en-
tered. The gold came
from the crowns in his
dental ware; gold has a
preference for the pan-
creas. Salmonella and
shigella are filth bacteria,
colonizing the bowel of
animals and spreading to
human food via fertilizer
and dirt. Staphylococcus
comes from teeth, in the
form of an abscess or
He was started on
Lugol’s iodine, the para-
site killing program, and
zapping. He was helped to avoid isopropyl alcohol containing products. He
was scheduled for dental work to replace metal and started on the kidney
herb recipe. A consulting physician was asked to be in charge of the IV pro-
gram. He would receive daily, vitamin C, vitamin B complex, glycyrrhizin,
March 25 pancreas and liver ultra-