His new ultrasounds (April 12) carried the day for him. The largest liver
tumor now measured only 2.15 cm long. And no actual tumor was seen in the
pancreas; only some irregular morphology, reminiscent of tumor. This was
all he needed to board the next plane home. In spite of intensive last minute
pleadings by all the doctors: “A successful start deserves a successful
ending,” “When you’ve got a good thing going, don’t stop,” “Don’t get in
the way of a lucky streak,” he didn’t hear.
I never expected him back. I expected his oil-filled house to push his
liver to exhaustion, land him in the hospital at home from which never to
emerge. But I was wrong. He called to say he was in trouble and would hurry
Three weeks from the time he left he returned, quite jaundiced now, in
pain and with no appetite. He was full of vanadium again (fuel oil). We
checked into surgery as a way to relieve obstructions of the bile ducts, even
though we knew there would be no obstruction found. The liver was simply
failing to conjugate (detoxify) the bilirubin. Bilirubin was saturating his
body, turning him yellow.
He was returned to the IVs and supplements that had worked magic for
him the first time. Besides this, he got a BQ shot (1 ug) in the hip in antici-
pation of a higher LDH level. He was sent out for serum cleansing, using a
device that pumps out the blood, centrifuges out the bilirubin and lets the
cleaned blood return. After this, his complexion was much less yellow and
he felt better.
But his blood test revealed the truth; he was in beginning kidney failure,
both BUN and creatinine rising.
Presumably the saturating bilirubin [or the methyl malonate from new
plastic teeth] was halting kidney function. This would allow albumin to es-
cape through the kidney, so that the “total protein” would not be high enough
to keep the blood plasma in the blood vessels.
Seepage of plasma into the tissues would let the ankles swell first, then
the rest of his body, never to be regained. By now, he was aware of his pre-
dicament; he quickly sought out other doctors; he was tried on various drugs
and chemotherapies. I could not guess the real culprit was probably his new
plastic teeth and the toxins that had drained from his tumors. I suggested
calling his wife; she had said earlier she wanted her husband home for his
last days.
Weak and yellow and on a handful of pills and continuous IVs, he
elected to go to a hospital in another doctor’s care. There was no opportunity
to say goodbye or let him know that his wife had been calling. I obtained the
next set of blood test results from his kind doctor at the new hospital.
It was his last. Final heroic efforts to save him can be seen in the low-
ered BUN. He did not die of cancer or tumors or pancreatic failure in my
estimation. He died of aflatoxin [from opening tumors] and dye in dental
plastic which blocked conjugation of bilirubin, all made worse by copper,
cobalt and malonates. But I did not understand all this until sometime later.