Most notable is the high alkaline phosphatase. This is the bone enzyme.
It is normal to be high when your bones are growing, and Brian had grown 6
inches during the past year, but still, 378 is too high. (It’s more than twice
the highest normal value of 150.) Was Brian’s growth spurt a causative fac-
tor, an effect, or just a coincidence with his bone cancer?
The T4 indicates thyroid function. It’s very low, and would contribute to
Brian’s lethargy.
They had brought an X-ray of Brian’s arm. The growing lump was easy
to see. The doctor had given an ominous prognosis: it was better to amputate
than try to treat; this variety of cancer was lethal in children. The doctor im-
mediately arranged for the surgery—there was to be no waiting. That was
July 5. On July 6 his family started him on our parasite killing recipe, using
the book as guide. On July 10, another visit to his doctor brought only dire
predictions if the surgery were not carried out quickly. Three days later they
flew in to see us.
These were Brian’s initial test results using the Syncrometer: isopropyl
alcohol Positive. He was referred to the isopropyl alcohol list in The Cure
For All Cancers; he agreed to be meticulous about compliance. Wood alco-
hol Positive. Ortho-phospho-tyrosine Negative. Evidently he had killed the
flukes and their stages already with the parasite program.
Copper, mercury, Mucor (fungus), freon were all Positive at bone.
Where was it coming from? Household water tests for copper were Positive
in the bathroom. A home air test (dust sample) was Positive for freon in liv-
ing room and Brian’s bedroom.
The parents planned to immediately move the refrigerator outdoors
while finding a new non-freon replacement. They would change the copper
water pipes immediately also. Brian’s dental amalgams would be changed to
plastic. [At that time we did not know that dental plastic could also be pol-
luted with copper, cobalt, vanadium, malonates, dye, and urethane, all with
cancer promoting action.]
His instructions were: (1) continue the parasite killing program accord-
ing to the book recipe and to zap daily. (2) Drink 2-3 glasses of ozonated
water daily to remove freon, and take ¾ cup kidney cleanse recipe daily (½
dose). (3) Take benzoquinone orally for three days to kill Mucor fungus.
They would make a homeopathic dilution of it (one part per million) and
give Brian ¼ tsp. of the final solution. To make a 1 ppm solution they would
first put ¼ tsp. powder into a glass quart jar of solvent-free, copper-free wa-
ter obtained from a busy laundromat’s cold faucet. The jar would be closed
and shaken a few times. It dissolves quickly. Then ¼ tsp. of this brown-
colored solution would be placed into another quart jar to be filled with wa-
ter also. The final solution should not be more than 10 minutes old before
Brian drank the ¼ tsp. liquid.
His food supplementation was calcium, from 3 to 4 glasses of 2% milk
in plastic carton daily, correctly treated, magnesium oxide, manganese, bo-
ron, zinc, chromium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C.