A dust test from home was negative for freon; they had moved the re-
frigerator outdoors (but it takes six weeks before freon is removed from the
body by drinking ozonated water).
His household water continued to be Positive for copper; the plumbing
had not yet been done. His new instructions were to take thioctic acid, cys-
teine, taurine, methionine (I would have liked to give these sooner, but did
not have the opportunity), and to continue with his old instructions, taking
another single dose of benzoquinone to kill remaining fungus.
By August 25, all his amalgam fillings were replaced with composites.
Final Syncrometer testing showed: Penicillium spores Negative at bone,
mercury Negative at bone.
A new item was added to his supplement list, L-G (a lysine-glutamate
compound). He next appeared on October 23. His arm still showed a slight
swelling where the lump had been.
They informed me that a second X-ray had been taken August 30,
showing that the top part of the tumor was gone; the base was still there,
maybe even larger, according to his doctor. The doctor now advised to “keep
doing whatever it is we are doing, something seems to be working” and
scheduled another X-ray for thirty days hence. The third X-ray was taken
October 4. The tumor had decreased in size again and texture appeared more
bone-like; nevertheless, the doctor referred them to an orthopedic surgeon.
Brian was no longer exhausted all the time. He was sleeping only 9-10
hours a night and did not need naps. He was attending school full-time and
kept up with schoolwork. He could attend P.E. without physical limitations.
He seemed to be back to his old healthy self.
Their regular doctor appointment had been on October 9, the doctor had
compared all three X-rays stating he “didn’t usually see tumors do this,
didn’t usually see them get smaller, they usually get bigger. This is unusual.”
An MRI had been ordered. It showed that the base was not larger than the
first X-ray had shown it to be. Nevertheless, the doctor recommended a total
surgical bone biopsy in order to see it himself. The parents decided to “wait
and see” instead.
Here they were, now, on October 23, doing their “waiting and seeing.”
Isopropyl alcohol Positive; Fasciola miracidia Positive at bone; Fasciolopsis
eggs Positive at parathyroids. They had become way too relaxed about all
Brian’s instructions; he was consuming cold cereals and soda pop (they
contain traces of isopropyl alcohol antiseptic).
He was to continue the maintenance parasite program once a week and
give away his dog. He was reminded to boil all dairy products, avoid afla-
toxins, stay away from salad bars (Salmonella, etc.), consume no cold cereal,
or bottled water, no soda pop, no corn chips, no popcorn, no nuts, and no
raisins (mold) until his ulna was totally normal again.