doses that kill all parasites and all their stages in the first
twenty-four hours. Fortunately, the advanced cancer program is
well tolerated by even the sickest person. We can then turn our
attention to shrinking the tumors so you can get well. All this
can be accomplished in three weeks so I call it The 21 Day
Tumor Cell Handicaps
Tumor cells are a very special breed. They have become like
drones, doing nothing, in a busy bee hive. Tumor cells do noth-
ing to contribute to the organ they live in. Liver cells do liver
work. Pancreas cells do pancreas work. Bone cells do bone
work. But tumor cells do no work. It is not by choice, though.
Tumor cells have no tools to work with; this means they
have no enzymes, nor RNA to make enzymes. RNA is ribonu-
cleic acid , the blueprint for making proteins, and my Syn-
crometer never detects any in advanced tumors. RNA is neces-
sary to make all proteins (enzymes are proteins).
A Syncrometer is a new electronic device which is de-
scribed in The Cure For All Cancers. With it you can identify
objects and chemicals in your tissues very accurately.
Tumor cells do not even have the raw materials to make
proteins; this means they have no amino acids. Besides this, the
tumor cells’ energy-generators are mostly shut down, and the
ones remaining are old and decrepit. The energy-generators in a
living cell are the mitochondria. The mitochondria are shriv-
eled, misshapen, and few in number.^14 It is the mitochondria’s
job to turn out energy which will be the cells’ fuel. This is
called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). We can hardly expect the
(^14) Ohe, K., Morris, H.P., and Weinhouse, S., β-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase
Activity in Liver and Liver Tumors, Cancer Res., v. 27, 1967, pp. 1360-71.