ron, 4 mg a day, to prevent brain swelling. He was also on Tegretol for sei-
He arrived in a wheelchair, unable to hold his head up or raise his arm.
He was not interested in talking or listening or being tested. His face was
tearful as were our hearts.
His initial toxin test showed isopropyl alcohol, asbestos, copper, cobalt,
freon, formaldehyde, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Positive. Mysteriously,
mercury was also Positive yet he had no tooth fillings. We traced the mer-
cury to an everyday personal product. This did not surprise us because most
paper products like toilet paper, paper towels, Q-tips, sanitary napkins, tam-
pons, paper diapers test Positive to mercury on the Syncrometer! Perhaps this
is due to using mercuric chloride as a sterilizing agent. It may be illegal in
the USA to sterilize with mercury for the environment’s sake, but it is not
illegal in other countries where such products are made. Or perhaps mercury
is used in the wood pulp industry because in addition to paper products,
toothpicks often test Positive to mercury. Ronald was to avoid all use of pa-
per sanitary products. Next, the copper plumbing had to go. They agreed at
once. This was probably the decisive step that would save him. Their refrig-
erator was quickly changed to a new non-freon model. Detergent use was
stopped (cobalt). All foam cushions were taken out of the house
(formaldehyde). A dose of 6 drops of Lugol’s in ½ glass of water was poured
down him; he gulped without struggle. Where did the Staphylococcus come
from since no dental work had ever been done? Was his immunity so low his
own skin bacteria would invade him?
After a blood test, he was given 1 tsp. black walnut tincture extra
strength in water. He was to take this daily at bedtime followed by zapping.
He was to start the freon removal program and continue for six to eight
weeks. They would come back in four days.
He returned in his wheelchair, holding his head up now; he listened to
me and watched things around him, could hold his hand out for testing.
His blood test was reviewed. The LDH showed evidence of tumor activ-
ity, as did the high alk phos [both the result of azo dyes acting on the liver].
The high GGT showed a liver problem possibly from his medication or a
food dye. The high calcium (10.1) showed a thyroid problem. The extremely
low iron (8.0) reflected on the underlying cancer problem: copper [and ger-
manium ] toxicity. The effect of cobalt, too, could already be seen in a very
slightly elevated RBC.
At this second visit, Syncrometer testing showed isopropyl, Salmonella
dysenteriae, Staphylococcus aureus, Negative. The family was doing its part.
The remaining six bacteria in our standard “food bacteria” test were also
Negative. Five cancer antigens tested Negative; three growth factors tested