11 Irene Bambrough Liver Cancer
Irene Bambrough, sixty-two, was the perfect example of a lucky patient.
Her liver cancer had been diagnosed in August 1995, so she had put herself
on the drop-routine for the BWT parasite program and the kidney herb rec-
ipe. She left her home in a northern climate to stay with a friend in Arizona
who had plastic water pipes. (This is probably what saved her life.) When
she arrived at our clinic from Arizona, her initial toxin test was already
Negative for isopropyl alcohol, CFC’s, and copper, though she still had cop-
per at the liver. She was off to a good start, but was still Positive for fiber-
glass, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, thallium, patulin, aflatoxin (very high),
and salmonella bacteria.
She wore full dentures. (This is probably what saved her life again.)
On the day she arrived, November 24, she was given these instructions:
(1) change her metal glasses frames to solid plastic—no metal, and washed
carefully before wearing them. (2) Use no hygiene products from the drug-
store, such as bandaids, cotton swabs. These have mercury and thallium resi-
dues. [At that time we did not suspect leftover bits of amalgam in her jaw-
bone as a source of mercury and thallium or other metals; in retrospect,
such tattoos were the probable source of her thallium.] (3) Take Lugol’s for
Salmonella, four times a day as written in the cancer program. (4) Take black
walnut tincture extra strength, 2 tsp. daily in a ½ glass of water; (sip it) for 4
days. Then zap. Also, take 7 cloves and 7 wormwood capsules the first day.
(5) Get a blood test. (6) Get an ultrasound of the liver.
She didn’t return for four days. We had planned to outline our cancer
program to her and really get her started on her second day. Was she just not
taking this seriously?
On November 28, she returned. She had accomplished everything with-
out help! We reviewed her blood test. Besides her anemia and her extremely
high white blood cell count (15,800), her liver enzymes were too high, espe-
cially the GGT. Her LDH was somewhat elevated indicating tumor activity,
as was the alkaline phosphatase [both due to dyes]. Her triglycerides and
cholesterol were rather low, showing she was losing her good nutritional
status. Calcium was ominously high at 10.5, showing there was a problem in
her thyroid gland. The high potassium level was further evidence.
Indeed, she had been born with a cyst on her thyroid gland and had part
of it removed. She also had radium treatment for it. Now she was on Syn-
throid tablets daily. (Her third piece of luck was that her thyroid tablets were
not polluted with isopropyl alcohol.) She was started on the freon removal
program. She was given coenzyme Q10 to kill tapeworm cysts or other
stages that inhabit every tumor. The plan was to search for surviving tape-
worm stages the next day. She was also given silymarin tablets to improve
her liver function. She was scheduled for three IVs a day, containing gly-
cyrrhizin, laetrile, and vitamin C (50 gm daily).