(five grains each day) and ships it out via the blood stream to
each one of our 50 billion body cells! It must enter each cell to
deliver its activating effect. But as the thyroxine enters the tu-
mor cell, and approaches the mitochondria, it is attacked by
thiourea. Thiourea destroys the thyroid hormone. This does not
happen in the neighboring healthy tissue.
You might be asking yourself why we care if tumor cells are
malnourished, have dysfunctional mitochondria, and other ab-
normalities. After all, aren’t we trying to kill them? The answer
is no, we are not. We are trying to heal them! Then tumors
shrink and the tissue returns to normal.
Yet, thiourea is a normal chemical, made by each cell to fa-
cilitate cell division. It is only doing its job. Unfortunately it is
being overproduced by the tumor cell, in its own effort to heal
itself. Living things are supposed to heal themselves whenever
they are wounded or injured in some way. Our cells instinc-
tively know they must multiply themselves to heal. This pro-
vides healthy, young cells to fill the gaping hole or to replace
the injured cells. The damaged cells are digested. Tumor cells
are busily healing themselves by such multiplication. Why don’t
they stop? Are they never done healing? Why don’t they stop
dividing in two when they are done healing? What are they
healing from?
Tumor Cell Division
They don’t stop because the “brakes” on cell division are
not being used. This allows the accelerator of cell division,
thiourea, to be on continuously. The brakes are another chemi-
cal made by each cell for itself, called pyruvic aldehyde. (We
will often call it the “brakes.”) The brakes are gone. Pyruvic
aldehyde can seldom be detected by the Syncrometer in the tu-
mor-tissue. So, not only is there an accelerated multiplication of
cells going on, but the brakes slowing them down are gone. At
the same time the excess thiourea destroys the thyroid hor-