turned to taking Lugol’s and the Bowel Program. On the bright side, malonic
acid was Negative at the breast, and GSSG/GSH were Negative/Positive.
In another month the twinges in her breast were gone. She had recently
been ill with a viral infection and was still quite short of breath when she
arrived. Testing showed: benzene, isopropyl alcohol, wood alcohol, copper,
mercury, thallium all Negative at the breast. Malonate Positive at the breast.
Noting malonate again, we gave her another large dose of CoQ10 (3
grams) to take daily for 7 days. [Another regimen we tried in our effort to
abolish tapeworm stages definitively. We didn’t realize you could reinfect
from raw vegetables.] We also supplemented her diet with glutathione.
TNF was still positive. Were the tumors shrinking in spite of setbacks?
In May, seven months from her first visit, she arrived with her new ul-
trasounds of the breasts. She was beaming. Only one tumor remained and her
doctor considered it benign, not worthy of a biopsy anymore. The length was
estimated at 6.9 mm (pea size) quite a bit smaller than earlier.
She still needed to replace copper water pipes and complete work on two
teeth. She felt very well.
Four months later, she returned to get updated on our tapeworm pro-
gram, since she had heard it had been changing. We were happy to announce
that malonic acid also came from certain foods and dental plastic, as well as
pollution, not solely from tapeworm stages. But she was too pleased to be
annoyed that there was more to do and certain foods to be avoided. Pleased
with the new ultrasounds she was bringing. They showed there were no tu-
mors at all in her breasts anywhere. Even the texture was much less fibrous
though not yet normal.
May 1, one small, benign tumor left