By the fourth week, his homesickness overwhelmed them. After a last
blood test (Dec. 8), they flew home.
Many things had improved. His iron was coming up, so more RBCs
could be made. But, obviously, he still had aflatoxin arriving at the liver. All
liver enzymes were again elevated. The bilirubin was especially sinister. We
could only pray that back home, their customary good habits would bring
them all down again. At any rate, the tumors were softening and shrinking.
It lasted for three and a half months; then he was in trouble. His LDH
was up. He quickly returned. This time with a friend, not his wife. It was just
before Easter.
He appeared in rather good health. He was energetic. His insomnia had
returned, but he had no other symptoms. However, the blood test showed
there was no time to lose. A rising BUN signaled beginning kidney failure!
Years of diuretics in the past had no doubt taken its toll on them. [We did not
suspect Clostridium or methyl malonate yet.] He would have to go off his
diuretics and substitute the kidney recipe. Double strength was recom-
mended, sipped slowly throughout the day. He was started on glutathione,
and coenzyme Q10 to abolish all malonic acid.
Aflatoxin was again Positive, this time at the kidney [beginning to drain
a new tumor]. His bilirubin had edged up a bit. He was off grains and nuts
On the fourth day, Albert was in sudden distress in the night. He recog-
nized it as his old congestive heart problem. He was waiting for me as I ar-
rived at the clinic in the morning, breathless and with chest pain.
In a strange land, with a strangely behaving body, and strange recom-
mendations made for it, it is easy to make a mistake. He had gone off his
diuretic but had completely forgotten about the kidney herb recipe. Now he
had not only kidney failure, but heart failure. We thought of his wife pa-
tiently waiting for him to arrive at home magically cured in Mexico a second
time. We ran to the kitchen. Somebody was dispatched to the grocery store
for an armful of fresh parsley. While he waited, he was given hawthorn berry
and coenzyme Q10, also folic acid, B12, and magnesium oxide. In an hour,
some strong herbal brew was ready. He was to sip throughout the day, in
spite of discomfort in the bladder.
A new ultrasound of liver had been taken upon his arrival (March 21).
The right lobe of liver showed a very large mass of tumor, seemingly made
up of smaller tumors. The large size would make it difficult to measure accu-
rately, since a slightly different angle could make the measurement quite
different. The left lobe of liver also was one large tumor mass. Yet, there was
enough functional liver outside these masses to carry out life’s functions.
A day after the kidney herbs were started, a new blood test was done,
dated March 26. It is tempting to believe the kidney recipe bailed him out.
But the drop in bilirubin was more likely responsible. And down came all the
liver enzymes. The drop in LDH would let more uric acid be excreted, an-