dria. Mitochondria are dependent on thyroxine.^15 Without it the
generator-like enzymes cannot burn the food molecules that are
waiting to be oxidized into ATP. This part of our metabolism is
called respiration. Without enough energy, tumor cells only di-
vide and contribute nothing. Unless you count making a cozy
home for Fasciolopsis larval stages! That parasite then contrib-
utes ortho-phospho-tyrosine to accelerate them into malignancy.
Ordinarily when bacteria attack, either your cells or the
bacteria win the battle. It is a life and death struggle. If the bac-
teria win, your cells die. They do not become tumor cells. They
are dead and will be removed by your white blood cells. But if
your cells win, the bacteria die and are digested by special little
“fortresses” inside your cells called lysosomes. Unfortunately,
thyroxine is needed to activate your lysosomes too! Because
tumor cells are short on thyroxine an impasse is occurring. They
neither die, nor can they kill their invaders. They are half alive
and half dead. They are in a twilight zone, trying to solve the
impasse by dividing.
If only we could help them heal, the impasse would be over.
How to help them is the subject of this book.
Tumor-making bacteria are of a special kind, too: Clostrid-
ium species. They have the ability to make DNA in a special
bacterial way.^16 They make huge amounts of DNA from RNA
by the enzyme, ribonucleotide reductase. Their enzyme requires
vitamin B 12 , which you supply.
Clostridium species of bacteria are the constant companions
of tumors, supplying the DNA, the toxic amines, and even the
isopropyl alcohol which will eventually contribute to malig-
nancy. The bacteria are thriving, while flooding your cells with
excess DNA that can be used for cell division. Some of the
(^15) Ingbar, Sidney H., Braverman, Lewis E., Werner’s The Thyroid A Fundamental and
Clinical Text, 5th Ed., 1986, p. 224-27, 949.
(^16) Zubay, Geoffrey, Biochemistry, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1984, pp. 706-07.