He also got a fever, possibly from a general Staphylococcus release during
dental work, but it was gone in a day.
By the fourth day, his edema was gone. TNF was already present, but
his leg pain and back pain persisted. An ultrasound of the kidney area
showed no tumors so, whether they had been there or not, he should be ready
to leave on schedule, having acquired some new anti-cancer tactics.
By day seven he was feeling very well, but malonic acid was still posi-
tive [malonic acid was not suspected in food or dental plastic, only in tape-
worm stages]. We gave him the definitive dose of Q10, 3½ gm. After this, he
had no more fevers.
By January 8, his alk phos had dropped over 100 points, indicating tu-
mor activity was way down. But iron had dropped, too, in fact, “out of
sight”. And, indeed, copper was found at both parathyroids and liver. Since
his motel had all plastic pipes, the copper source was mysterious. [We could
not guess at that time that it might be put, along with cobalt, vanadium, and
malonate derivatives right into his mouth in his plastic dentalware.]
We supplied him with Iron Booster (chlorophyll product), 1 tbs. a day
and quickly applied more EDTA by IV to pull out more copper. The Q10 had
done its job and killed bacteria, along with tapeworm stages.
Notice that his calcium had swung from too low (8.9) to too high (10.3),
shifting the problem from parathyroids to the thyroid. Immediately the toxin
in the thyroid shut off calcitonin production, allowing bones to dissolve and
flood his blood stream with both calcium and phosphate. We added Clodro-
nate, a diphosphonate, to his IV to inhibit bone dissolution.
Meanwhile, the LDH had gone up, instead of down, implying new tumor
activity. How could that be? Could it be happening in a different organ that
was getting a new larger dose of malonic acid, cobalt, copper than before?
We gave him a BQ shot to lower LDH.
By January 12, we stopped his IVs—he was simply too well. The next
day a new blood test was done. Obviously, his bacteria were under control,
wherever they had been, since the WBC was now normal.
Calcium, too, was returning, but was still too high along with phosphate.
The albumin to globulin ratio was now correct. The liver enzymes ALT and
GGT were very much better. Most important, the LDH was back down and
the alk phos was down to normal too. If there were additional tumor sites,
they must be fairly inactive.
Copper continued to plague us though and iron stayed low. This was in
spite of taking iron pills, as well as Iron Booster liquid. He was due to leave
in a few days. His mission was accomplished from his point of view: no tu-
mors seen, blood test greatly improved, edema and swelling gone, pain
down. He could walk normally, which he interpreted as beating the race
against cancer. And his time and money were spent. They left for home.
But we knew there was a mysterious source of copper and also malonic
acid, two vicious tumor growers.