his lungs continually while he was home. Two Shigella varieties were
growing in him. His copper level was quite high, again at the kidneys. And
his low back pain required constant pain killing drugs. A CT scan of upper
abdomen as well as lower abdomen was ordered and he was started on glu-
The lower scan showed normal kidneys. The surprise came from the up-
per scan. His liver had a half dozen small tumors, including one, not so small
at 2.2 x 3.2 cm. This should be our top priority.
His new blood test (May 28) showed a general worsening. In fact, iron
was so low, it could not even be detected. This was an emergency. He was
put on iron pills, liquid “Iron Booster,” and given iron shots again, on alter-
nate days.
Our testing soon found one source of copper and cobalt. They were rid-
ing along as pollutants in his iron pills! [We still did not suspect the dental
plastic.] To help the liver, we gave him silymarin, B 12 , folic acid, and vita-
min C.
His IV now included calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, glycyrrhizin and
DMSO. The new blood test showed that alk phos was up slightly, not the
LDH. The low LDH implied no tumor activity at all. While the alk phos im-
plied some.
The very low iron, together with the elevated platelet count suggested
minute bleeding, possibly in the lung. But, again, another organ took prece-
dence. The lung would not be life threatening (unless it hemorrhaged), the
liver would.
In five days, his pain level was down. He had been staying off malonate-
containing food. He was on all the programs, parasite, kidney herbs...all of
We had decided to do weekly ultrasounds of the liver for him to follow
his progress, since they were inexpensive, about $45.00. He brought in his
first one June 4, at the end of his first week.
The ultrasound was Negative! No tumor could be seen. This was just too
much good news. We planned to back this up with a CT scan in two more
weeks. Could it really be true? Our hopes, fears, denials, determination were
at a peak with suspense. The new blood test, June 5, told the same story.
Something had allowed the serum iron to shoot up in a single snap. This is
seldom seen from taking iron supplements.
And finally, for the first time, the platelet count was coming down. Did
this mean the hidden bleeding had stopped? Kidney function was better too.
But why had the RBC gone higher, if the cobalt-polluted pills were
stopped? This time it was due to vanadium. The source was not found [in the
dental plastic]. He was again having some plastic put into his mouth. The
vanadium toxicity can easily be spotted in the elevated globulin, too. [Also
note some newly encountered Sudan Black B dye can be detected by the LDH
rise. And newly encountered inorganic copper or “bad” germanium caused