to give morphine or codeine, explaining this would be the kiss of death.
Better to do another liver flush right away. It was only four days later. But
this time it was successful. She bounced back to her old self. In a day, in
spite of bathroom sprints, she felt like exercising. She was definitely im-
proving. Some pain over shoulder blades persisted, but her appetite returned
and hope had returned.
On February 19, a new blood test was done. Her BUN and uric acid
were extremely high, no doubt due to the urea we were giving by mouth; the
creatinine was not elevated showing kidney failure was not responsible.
We stopped her urea supplement. [With hindsight, we should have
merely reduced it.] Besides this, to our utter amazement the GGT, our neme-
sis, had dropped in half. Her alk phos, our other nemesis, had dropped drasti-
cally, too. Calcium and potassium normalized! And one liver enzyme, AST,
began to drop as well as the LDH. Was this the turning point? Did the liver
cleanses do this? Or the urea? These were the two extraordinary treatments.
A few days later her dental work was complete and now she had a
mouthful of plastic.
For eight days she gradually improved, although her left arm was inca-
pacitated with pain again. On February 29 she suddenly lost her walking
ability, due to spasms in her left hip. [Hip pain is always dental!] We
guessed the problem was dental. Rut she also had picked up vanadium, thal-
lium, mercury, and copper again! She was even full of malonate! We knew
not from where. She wanted a cortisone shot for both hip and shoulder. But
hot packing and water swishing her mouth was the right answer. She agreed.
The next day she walked in, no wheelchair or assistance! It was time for a
Feb 6 ultrasounds show tumors less dense, smaller