Only her husband spoke English. We began the task of explaining the
program to him, who explained it to her. Most important was getting off
morphine, substituting some other painkiller. We tried to explain that it was
“morgue-medicine,” intended only for the dying and would greatly inhibit
her progress. It slowed bowel action, making laxatives necessary and for
some unexplained reason, prevented weight gain. She resisted him.
Her initial toxins included fiberglass, arsenic, and chlorine, all of which
would be inhaled and “feed” the tumor in the lung. She also had mercury,
thallium, and aluminum from dentalware and cosmetics, no doubt. She had
patulin and aflatoxin, as well as Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus. She
still had benzene, xylene, and isopropyl alcohol solvents. But not much ma-
lonic acid. Her dentalware was mostly gold—the very “best” gold—some
amalgam and some plastic.
Our electronic metabolite test, done with the lung in the circuit showed
maleic anhydride Positive at lung (cause of “water” accumulation); t-retinol
(a vitamin A member) Positive at lung (good); t-retinoic acid (also a vitamin
A member) Negative (meaning insufficient vitamin A); vitamin C Positive at
lung (good); tumor necrosis factor (TNF) Negative at lung (bad); NADP and
NADPH Negative (insufficient NAD enzymes) at lung; rhodizonic acid
Negative (lack of oxidizer activity) at lung; benzoquinone Negative (lack of
oxidizer activity) at lung; glutathione, reduced, Negative at lung (bad).
Metabolism in the lung was quite poor. She was given benzoquinone by
IM (1 ug) a single shot, and rhodizonic acid, 15 mg four times a day, besides
the usual starting program. Her blood test showed there was only a small rate
of tumor activity—that is, production of lactic acid (LDH) and alkaline
phosphatase, probably due to intensive “tumor killing” clinical treatments at
home. Rather, she was dying from toxicities which we must determine and
She was extremely fatigued, due no doubt to lack of oxygen and to am-
monia toxicity. Lack of oxygen due to fluid in the lungs. Ammonia toxicity
due to not being able to convert it to urea; the BUN was very low.
But, clearly, her chief toxin was copper [and germanium ]; iron levels
were down to 22. And at no time during her stay did we manage to discover
the source and remove it. The toxic effects of cobalt and vanadium were no-
ticeable in the elevated globulin and RBC.
All these metals could be part of the gold composition as well as in the
amalgam and plastic. She did not want to part with the gold in her mouth.
Yet the gold would contain nickel, too, commonly used to harden the gold.
Nickel is especially toxic to the lung and is often seen there. We started her
on IV therapy, with 3 vials of EDTA, 100 gm vitamin C, magnesium and
In two days her energy was up; she was feeling very much better. Yet, in
spite of giving her 250 mg glutathione four times a day, we could not detect
any reduced glutathione in her lungs. Electronic tests only showed the oxi-