Her blood test results showed only the beginning of toxicity from cop-
per, cobalt, vanadium, and malonic acid and only a small WBC elevation in
response to bacterial infection. LDH (226) revealed tumor growth [due to
Sudan Black B ]. Albumin too high and globulin too low revealed cobalt in
the liver.
In two days Donna could bend her swollen hand, so we knew the edema
had lessened.
Glutathione and TNF were now Positive at the breast, as well as B 12.
Cesium was added to her IV.
Six days after arrival she could see the veins in her hands and there was
no pitting edema. Both the armpit tumor and breast felt much softer.
She was using a magnetic mattress pad to reduce pain.
Meanwhile, she had seen how effective our biology-based methods were
and decided to finish her dental work. She got her gold replaced by plastic in
her mouth. Her next blood test, April 19, showed her RBC was too high. She
now tested Positive for vanadium. We suspected a gas leak at the time; she
was to bring a dust sample from home. [We had begun to wonder if vana-
dium was coming from her new dentalware. We didn’t suspect malonic acid
derivatives, yet.]
Her uric acid had suddenly dropped showing that glutamine levels were
much too low [and clostridium bacteria were revealed]. She was given a
glutamine supplement. But she had gotten rid of copper water pipes, so her
iron level rose to 105.
By April 20, the entire breast was soft as it should be. Only a narrow
lump at the armpit could still be felt. But she was all broken out in a rash
suggesting a benzene exposure. We also searched for bacteria (which can
cause rashes) and found plenty, at the lymph nodes. Testing showed Salmo-
nella, Shigella, Staphylococcus aureus Positive at lymph nodes, glutathione
Negative at lymph nodes, benzene Positive everywhere.
Had she eaten some benzene polluted food? Or simply bacteria-
contaminated food? [Benzene and zearalenone are released from a draining
tumor.] A dose of Q10 (6 gm) came to the rescue.
By April 24, she still had Salmonella infection, and she still had no glu-
tathione at the lymph nodes. A new blood test showed her total bilirubin had
suddenly risen to 1.1, a serious danger sign. She was immediately requested
to stop eating all breads and nuts, since she must be getting aflatoxin again.
Aflatoxin was found in potato peels, even after cooking, so she was re-
minded to peel all potatoes.
The vanadium problem did not go away, in fact a copper problem also
loomed (iron dropped to 50). D-malic acid was now found at the lymph
nodes. [This too, could originate in the teeth.]
The potassium was suddenly too high (5.2) a sign of thyroid malfunction
besides the goiter. She was given 1 grain of thyroid a day. All in all, by the
blood test, she was in worse shape now than when she arrived. But the tumor